Friday, November 24, 2006

And it was called, Yellow...

Piano 'smorning was 'kay.
On the way to school, mother randomly started singing this random PlaySchool song, and like... she didn't know absolutely all the words, so she got about this much of it:

"I'm a dingle-dangle scarecrow
With a flippy-floppy hat
I can shake my... um... something like this
I can shake my something like that"

And then she paused for a second, and went, "But we won't go into what the 'something' is."
And I covered my ears and went, "Mu-um!!"
And she grinned and went, "It brings an all new meaning to 'dingla-dangle scarecrow'."
And I covered my ears even more, and went, "That's awful!", even though I was already laughing, and she started laughing too, and noted that "It would scare more than the crows!"
So we were laughing so much on the way to school, and that was really funny.
But yeah, English first and I handed in that assignment, and there was a presentation with chocolate and Madeleine kept taking more than she should have, but I didn't cause I'm a Good Girl. Hmph =P
Japanese was bleh, teacher was like, majorly stressed, and I'm probably getting a B, which is amazing considering how little work I actually did.
Madeleine and I had sheets from the science assignment in maths, so we could do that, but Madeleine did like, two sentences and then was watching like, random animations and wasting time, cause we were in the computer lab.
And again, at lunch, Jared and I went in and spent our lunchtime doing work on the assignment, but Madeleine wouldn't come in. Apparently she had assignments for other classes. Which she said yesterday, as well. You'd think she could come in for at least one lunchtime, but no, apparently not.
And then in science she did about half a page and then fell asleep, and Jared had to do the test he missed yesterday, so I was like, writing flat out all lesson, and the assignment didn't get finished, but the teacher said he's mark us as high as he could. But like, I'm really annoyed at the utter lack of dedication Madeleine showed for it. It was a simple assignment, and fun, it should have been easy, but Madeleine spent the first week analysing her hair and pretending to work, and the rest of the time going, "But I analysed the evidence at the beginning!" No, your hair is Not evidence. Gr...
Anyway, outdoor ed last and the was boring.
I got 79% on the math test and 70% on the science test, by the way. Not bad, considering I didn't know the stuff for either. =P
Anyway, Freya is being an idiot. So I'm getting dragged off now.

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