Thursday, November 02, 2006

... and don't ask questions!

My god, my head hurts.
Yesterday = meh. Blog has been handwritten and will be scanned and uploaded when I get home, under the date and time that it was written.
Today = bleurgh.
I hate outdoor ed. Hate it hate it hate it. Also I'm failing. Perhaps the two aren't completely unrelated statements...

Swear words go here. Lots and lots of swear words. The until-recently-awesome and now-utterly-retarded-and-stupidly-censored ABC has cancelled The Glass House, which is one of its best and most popular programs. Because they're fucktards, that's why. There have been accusations that the show has been cancelled cause it's too anti-Howard, under the whole new anti-bias policy for the ABC, but comedy programs are meant to be exempt from that.
See part of the article here. There was actually about three paragraphs more, but they're not there for some reason. They were in the paper, though. With a good quote from Bob Brown. Random Greens senator guy, seems to have good ideas.
How are the good people of Australia supposed to survive the crappy government without the comedic relief of Wil Anderson, Corinne Grant, and of course, Dave 'Hughes-y' Hughes?
And there are rumours that it'll be picked up by a commercial station. Well, if it is, I know I'll watch it on another station, but it's really an ABC show. The ABC is where it belongs, it's the good ABC comedy, but if this is the sort of show they'll cancel, then clearly the ABC is changing for the worse. Big growls from Caitlin here.
But moving on from that, and speaking of TV, The IT Crowd last night had some very, very funny moments... That guy who doesn't have the glasses whose name I don't know is hilarious. I don't like the guy with the glasses so much, he's irritating, but not funny. Whereas the other guy is vaguely annoying in an endearing sort of way =P
Possibly because he reminds me slightly of Bernard Black, of Black Books. Best show ever, I swear. But Father Ted comes pretty close. Funny thing is they both involve alcoholic Irish men and used to be shown on ABC. Fortunately they weren't cut by a retarded and censoring editor-in-chief (a new title for the ABC... idiot, grrr), but simply finished, and ran out of seasons to show. Or in Father Ted's case, the main character's actor went and had a heart attack. Jeez, some people, where's the dedication? Stopping acting just cause you're dead? No excuses!
Yeah, anyway, that's my TV rants done for the day, apart from an honourable mention to Ten's Thank God You're Here, for having a scene with a science experiment involving marijuana. Wish I had that guy as a teacher =p

World Issues now, and bleurgh, cause we're not really getting anywhere. Possibly due to my blogging instead of working during lessons, but that isn't the point. I have photography longline, so I may blog again then. Then English, and I might find out whether I passed that random in-class essay we had. I don't think I did too badly, but I somehow doubt Madeleine did too well... having not read the book...
Japanese last, and I just had the horrible feeling I left my book at home. After actually taking it ou, of my own free will, and finishing up some class work... Yep, no book. No pencil case or pens either. Crapness. At least I remembered my iPod... Music solves nearly everything. On a micro scale, anyway. On a macro scale... governments with brains might help things a little.

This is the second day in a row I've finished writing a blog at 11:11am. I like 11:11. Awesometime. As Freya says. But yes. All gewd, and Caitlin ish bore-ed now.
May actually do some work now...
Tootlays =)

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