Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Thirty-eight fucking degrees.
It is too hot to breathe.
It is too hot to see.
It is too hot to hear.
It is too hot to move.
Now y'all know I normally avoid swearing, but fuck. I am nothing but a method of displaying thoroughly sweat-soaked clothes. I'm eating ice cubes, hugging a bottle of very cold water, and have two fans turned on me.
It is still too hot...
I need to go down to Woden and get me a dress.
Like that nice one Freya has... But maybe in brown instead of red... Dresses are nice. I don't have any at the moment, and I haven't had any since I was like, eight. Mostly because I always sit in strange positions. Positions that, were I wearing a dress, would be permanently scarring to anyone who happened to glance in my direction. But I want a dress, and I can refrain from sitting with one leg on either side of the computer if it means I can have a dress and my dignity. So now there's the simple matter of having no money at all. Yep, I spent that mp3 player money already. But I might be able to convince mother or father to finance a dress, seeing as I currently have like, no clothes...
But yeah...

I stayed up till like, 4.30am last night, lying to myself that I was trying to do that world issues assignment, when really I was just talking to people, reading comics and playing games. So I was totally exhausted and didn't finish the assignment. So mother let me have the first three lessons and lunch off; I stayed home to do the assignment. And I did the same thing again. Ain't I clever? But I think I have the information I need, so I can steal the laptop and do it tonight. It means I'll have another night with no sleep, but the internet won't be there for me to distract myself with, so. Work should be done.

But yeah, got to school, signed in, slept through maths, like, literally, I sat down and immediately fell asleep, and woke up after the bell had gone and nearly everyone had gone to their next classes, staggered to science and fell asleep again. Neither Madeleine nor Jared was there, and there was no way I could possibly stay awake on my own to do the work, so I just collapsed, but apparently the whole class gets an extension till Thursday, even though we have a test that lesson. I also have a maths test the lesson before that, for which I need to check I know the stuff.

I feel like writing this huge long emotional rant that's been floating round my head since science, but I know I'll remember the general idea and be able to write it out later, to some particular person, rather than throwing my insanity out to anyone who reads this, and I can write it *later*, after I've had a shower and lay down with music and a lot of fans.
I'd say *hugs* but if I touch anything or anyone I will become permanently attached to them, through the icky stickiness of summer humidity and sweat...
Even though it's only spring! Gah, it went right from winter to summer, missing my favourite season... bleurgh.
Anyway, nap-time. Will probably add some rant about Christmas when I wake up.
Tootles. =)

Everyone's all excited about Christmas, and stuff.
I'm not a huge fan of it. Couple of reasons:
It's like picking a random in the street and making a holiday out of their birthday. Except: This random in the street didn't exist, and if he did, was certainly *not* the son of an imaginary dude in the sky who is supposedly omnipotent and good, which combined mean that logically, he can't exist, somebody else explained it somewhere, and I can't be bothered repeating it. Something along the lines of if he's good, then he would stop all evil, unless he isn't omnipotent, in which case that's a lie, unless he isn't good, in which case that's a lie. But hey.
The other reason is a lack of finances:
I never have enough money to get prezzies for even half the people I would love to get presents for.
Also, the one that actually bothers me least (Believe it or not, I can be quite not-materialistic sometimes) is that my entire family is broke, except for a couple who are vaguely not-broke, but insane. So I get crap or non-existent presents. Bleh, I get over it.

Even for those who are good Christians and yada yada, surely what we now have as Christmas can't be seen as a religioius holiday. Really, it's just an overly commercialised day, which should be just a little thing, and it gets lost in the whole, summer holidays thing we have here.

What I do quite like about Christmas, though, are the holidays, and the annual pickernick at the Cotter. Cotter Dam, by the way. Known as the Cotter. Has playground and picnic area and river and stuffs. Beh. My family and my mother's sister's family, usually minus Angus, go down to the Cotter, and sit around near the river, and eat. Nice food. So I mostly sit around in the biggest hat mother could find, and eat French bread with avocado and BBQ chicken, and drink apple juice out of a plastic wine glass while watching the kiddles play on the playground and run in circles and entertain themselves.
It's nice.
But Christmas is still... almost exactly a month... a month and... four days, I think, brain is dead and I don't know what day it is, away, and already people are going on about how excited about it they are. Meh.
Anyway, sleeping.

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