Monday, September 04, 2006

Squee! Quizzle! Am I a bad person?

[ ] 1) Smoked weed or cigs
[X] 2) Consumed alcohol.
[ ] 3) Slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex?
[X] 4) Slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex.
[ ] 5) Made out with someone of the opposite sex.
[ ] 6) Made out with someone of the same sex
[X] 7) Had someone in your room of the opposite sex
[ ] 8) Watched porn.
[ ] 9) Bought porn.
[ ] 10) Done drugs.
[X] 11) Taken pain killers.
[ ] 12) Taken someone else's prescription medicine.
[X] 13) Lied to your parents
[X] 14) Lied to a friend
[X] 15) Snuck out of the house.
[ ] 16) Done something illegal
[X] 17) Cut yourself. (With my toenail. Accidentally.)
[X] 18) Hurt someone (Not in the past few years, but yeah)
[X] 19) Wished someone to die. (Three people.)
[X] 20) Seen someone die.
[ ] 21) Missed curfew. (I don’t have curfew)
[ ] 22) Stayed out all night.
[X] 23) Eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself.
[X] 24) Been to a therapist. (Pyschologist, counsellor, therapist, same thing.)
[ ] 25) Been to rehab.
[ ] 26) Dyed your hair.
[ ] 27) Received a ticket.
[ ] 28) Been in a wreck.
[ ] 29) Been to a club.
[ ] 31) Been to a wild party.
[ ] 32) Seen the Mardi Gras.
[ ] 34) Had a summer break in Florida.
[X] 35) Sniffed anything.
[X] 36) Wore black nail polish.
[ ] 37) Wore arm bands.
[ ] 38) Wore t-shirts with band names. (But I would)
[X] 39) Listened to rap. (Know thy enemy.)
[ ] 40) Own a 50 cent cd. (Fuck no!)
[ ] 41) Dressed Gothic.
[X] 42) Dressed prep. (When I was 9)
[ ] 43) Dressed punk.
[ ] 44) Dressed grunge.
[X] 45) Stole something. (Hehe, yay ;) )
[ ] 46) Been too drunk to remember anything. (Believe it or not, I've never actually gotten drunk. I've drunk a lot, but never been even tipsy)
[X] 47) Blacked out.
[X] 48) Fainted
[ ] 49) Had a crush on your neighbor.
[X] 50) Had someone sneak into your room
[] 51) Snuck into someone Else's room.
[X] 52) Had a crush on someone of the same sex.
[ ] 53) Been to a concert.
[ ] 54) Dry humped someone.
[X] 55) Been called a slut. (A couple of times)
[X] 56) Called someone a slut. (A lot.)
[ ] 57) Installed speakers in your car. (I don’t have a car)
[X] 58) Broke a mirror.
[X] 59) Showered at someone of the opposites sex's house.
[ ] 60) Brushed your teeth with someone else's toothbrush. (ewww)
[ ]61) Consider Ludacris your favorite rapper. (Rap = burny.)
[ ] 62) Seen an R rated movie in theaters. (No, but I almost did. That one with that girl and that old guy... Hard Candy, I think.)
[X] 63) Cruised the mall.
[ ] 64) Skipped school.
[ ] 65) Had an eating disorder.
[X] 66) Had an injury.
[X] 67) Gone to court. (As an excursion, jyes.)
[ ] 68) Walked out of a restaurant without paying.
[X] 69) Caught something on fire. (Squee! Fire! XD)
[X] 70) Lied about your age.
[ ] 71) Owned an apartment.
[ ] 72) Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend.
[ ] 73) Been cheated on.
[X] 74) Got in trouble with the police. (It was my drunk relatives' fault)
[X] 75) Talked to a stranger.
[ ] 76) Hugged a stranger.
[ ] 77) Kissed a stranger.
[ ] 78) Rode in the car with a stranger.
[X] 79) Been sexually harassed.
[X] 80) Been verbally harassed.
[ ] 81) Met face to face with someone you met online. (No, but I swear I will, someday.)
[X] 82) Stayed online for 12 hours straight
[X] 83) Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours straight.
[ ] 84) Watched TV for 12 hours straight.
[X] 85) Been to a fair.
[X] 86) Been called a bad influence.
[X] 87) Cursed.
[ ] 88) Prank called someone.
[X] 89) Laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex.
[ ] 90) Cheated on a test.
[X] 91) Cheated on homework.
[ ] 92) Received/given a hand-job.
[X] 93) Been pushed into a pool.
[X] 94) Played pool.
[ ] 95) Watched 5 hours of MTV straight.
[ ] 96) Had a crush on someone 10 years older than you.
[ ] 97) Had a crush on someone younger than you.
[X] 98) Wore eyeliner.
[ ] 99) Skinny dipped (No, but I will. You should just hope you're not around at the time.)
[X] 100) Laughed at someone who was seriously hurt
46% (I think...)
Yay! I'm a good girl! Barely ;)

Anyone who knows, I mean *coughs* 'think's any of that is a lie, you're probably right. I mean... 'mistaken'. Cause of course I wouldn't lie, cause I'm a good girl. ()=)

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