Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Mongolian Spleen Cheese

There were no buses this morning, and mother neglected to tell Freya and me this, even though she admitted later that she had in fact seen it on the late news last night. So, great. No buses to get to school. So we walked halfway, before Talea saw us and her mother gave us a lift the rest of the way. In their tiny car full of horse stuff, dog stuff, hay, and a dog that had a rather creepy preoccupation with licking my hair.
Outdoor ed sucked. Red Hill walk, and even though Becky was there, for once, she had ridiculous shoes. Sure, they were pretty, but not walking shoes. So I had to go up alone. Again. Fun-fun-fun.
World Issues... shmeh, worksheet stuff. Got my assignment back, 93% XD
Floríade excursion was teh awesome. Martin and I teased Becky and Ethan for like, the whole time... So fun... and funny... and there were ducks and flowers and sunshine and I spun in circles a lot.
English was mehly boring.
Japanese was mehly boring, also. Becky and I went down to the library to do the assignment, before realising we had no idea how to. Saw Jess & talked a bit to her. Borrowed a couple of books. As we were leaving, the librarian said, "I can't make Rory smile. Tickle him or something" and Becky said, "Oh, I'll make him smile eventually..." and I laughed so loudly at her, till she realised why I was laughing and hit me, but then she laughed too, and she said she'd make Ethan smile, too. Bahahah.
Bus was farly gewd. Musickied and talked to Jess... may sell her my mp3 player, as I don't use it. I'd like money... Before I do, though, I want to record some of my piano-ing so I can have it on teh computerlings...

Yes... Got home, computer'd, tried to convince mother to let me stay home from school t'morrer, argued with father, watched telly, ate a bit, but not much... ended up here.

Oh, man.
I love these pants.
Black. Silk-lined. Hell yeah.
They're more comfy than my jeans OR my trackpants. Awesome.

Anyway, that was random.
Anyway, I be's offs. Twootle-oo.

Oh, and here be pictures.

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