Wednesday, December 13, 2006

And and and and Squeeee!! ^.^

It was sooo awesome.
Kay kay kay I shall start at the beginning...
Well, a little after I finished the last post, I went and got my hair done. Oh, em, gee. *Then* I was excited. I hadn't been excited till my hair was done, and then I was sooo excited. Freya came with me, and I met up with Izzy there, and they were standing around oohing and aahing over my hair, and I got it cut, so now it's just below my shoulders. And the hairdresser curled it, and put half of it up in this tumbly swirly thingy, and it was pretty and involved over twenty hair clips and three or four invisible hair ties.
So yes.
I got home, and when I was trying to put my dress on I got stuck, cause I didn't want to mess up my hair, so I had to get Freya and Izzy to both help me get dressed -.-" But it was funny, so twas all good. And then Izzy did my make up super dooperly and and and.... then I got my bag, stoled mum's phone, put on my prettiful earrings, and bounced downstairs, before putting on my shoes and getting taken out onto the deck for LOTS AND LOTS OF PHOTOS!! Omigod I have so many photos! I don't actually have any yet, but there are heaps on mum's camera and Izzy has heaps on her digital camera and there are more I'll mention in a moment.
Anyway, I was almost late by that time, so everyone was rushed to wherever they were meant to go, and mum drove me down to Canberra College, where we were all meeting. Rosalind, Martin, Toby and Stephen were there already, and oh my gawd, everyone was gorgeous! Except Stephen. But like, Wow! Rosalind was soooo pretty, her hair was so nice and she had such a beautiful dress, I seriously didn't recognise her she was done up so much. And yes, then Ethan turned up, with his random hair, which wasn't as bad as usual but was still strange. Then Jared arrived, with a Mysterious Plastic Bag of Mystery (All shall be revealed, but not yet =P). And and and there were lots more photos, and then the bus arrived, and oh, my, god. It was like, this huge yellow double decker bus!! And I was thinking it was gonna be some crap broken down van or something, and instead it was a really fun, albeit rather broken down, big yellow bus, and there was really loud music, and Becky and Kirsten and Adrian came out of the bus, and oh em gee Agaaaain! cause Becky and Kirsten were beautiful too! Not that anybody isn't always beautiful but, like, wow! And Becky's hair was even more complicated than mine =P And and Kirsten's hair was all curliful and I didn't know it was that long, but apparently it is.
Anyway, more photos were taken with the bus (Which said "Beauty Point Express 069" on the front of it =P) and everyone got on, and we left, and there was crap music, but then it changed to Eskimo Joe, and we were all like, hell yes. And and and... it was such a big bus!
And yeah, Ethan and Martin and Becky and Rosalind and Kirsten and Jared and I were up the front, and Toby and Adrian were up the back dancing badly to the music, and Stephen was sitting somewhere or other. Anyway, Jared opened the window, or committed some other minor offence like that, and I was all, "You sabotagey person, you're trying to ruin my hair!", or something like that, I think, and he pulled this rose out of the Mysterious Bag of Mystery, and was like, "Maybe I can apologise with this." and my brain ate itself, cause I was like, not sure if he was just joking or screwing around with my mind or what, so I just blinked for a long time. But I recovered eventually, mostly =P I think I also forgot to say thank you -.-" If I did forget, then Thanks, Jared =P If I didn't forget, then Thanks again, anyway =P
Anywayz, we were waiting to get to the front of the line in the carpark, and sitting and looking down at all the people who'd already arrived, and Martin was just randomly like, "Wow, there are so many people here... maybe I should have done my hair...", and we all cracked up.
But yes, the formal was so much fun.
When we arrived and got off the bus, everyone was finding their parents and getting more photos, and I went and found mum, and of course, the first thing she noticed was that I was holding a rose, and she was all like, "Oooooh. Who's that from?" and I was like, "Jared.", and she was like, "That poor boy whose hair you destroyed?" and I'm like, "Yes, mother. Though look [pointing out Jared], it has recovered." and she said I was silly.
But yeah, we had food, and twas yummy.
And we took our shoes off and everyone ran down the grass towards the lake behind the cafe table things in the NMA (National Museum of Australia). And generally strolled around outside and inside, and talked, and stuff. And everybody looked so good!
And we got heaps and heaps of photos from the professional photographer dude, and we get them on disks apparently, with everyone's photos.
It was soo funny, though, cause Toby was like, "Someone come get a photo with me, I don't wanna be alone" and I'm like, "Yeah, I'll go" and the photographer was like, "Are you two a couple?" and Toby and I both said no at the same time, and the photographer like, completely ignored us, and was like, "OK, you wrap your arm around her there, like you own her, ok, now you, you put your arm around him , and you lean on him, and put your hand inside his jacket, like that, yep" and I was like, laughing, so hard, and I was all, "Oh my god, I can't do this!!" and Toby was laughing, and the photographer was just being completely crazy, it was so funny!
But yes, it was super super super fun, even though the only good songs they played all night were Californication and My Friend Robot.
And I felt super special all night cause I had a rose =)
But yes.
We (Becky and I, and Adrian and Toby) got back to Becky's at like, midnight, and sat around talking till about 1am, and then Becky and I went into our room, and Toby and Adrian went into their room, and Becky and I stayed up bitching about Stephen and reading the yearbook till like, 3.30, then Becky's mum came in and told us to go to sleep.

I spent all day yesterday trying on practically every dress and pair of shoes in Tuggeranong with Becky, and it was so fun, even though I only bought the first dress I tried on. And and and I'm prolly going to Tuggers this afternoon to get some shoes with Freya. ^-^
But yeah, general awesomeness.

Okies! I be's off =)

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