Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Le Blah.

I be's both horribly stressed out by maths and wonderfully hyperfied by drama.
I am also delightfully confused in a very good way by ToK and painfully bored by English.
Photography is okay. The only one of my friends who was left in Canberra and going to the same college at me this year is in that class, so that's great.
Psychology is okay, except, you know, there are the good American accents and the bad ones, and my psychology teacher has a bad one, and it's like drilling holes in my head with a seashell. No idea where seashell came from, but it just is.

So there, for the people who keep asking how school is going, is what I think of Canberra College classes so far.

I'm too bored and tired to blog properly.

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