Sunday, March 11, 2007

There were nine in the bed, and the little one said:

Lack of update! Wow! It must be because I'm living such an exciting life! Otherwise, it could be because I have a bad memory. =)
Anyway, not a lot has been happening. I was all, drivering around last Sunday. Driving awesomely, with my awesome skillz. I think I've told everybody that already, though >.>
Tuesday was le Moderation Day, and I don't actually remember what I did for most of that day, but I do remember driving to ADHS to pick up teh Sister. But mother drove home. She wouldn't let me drive with Freya in the car :P
Wednesday was good, good indeed. At lunch we found this random room with beds in it (No, I don't know why they were there, either), and squooshed nine squirming teenagers into it. It was fun, fun indeed. Even though I had my ear violated >.> I also can't remember who else was in the bed. Is that a bad thing? I know Rosalind, Ryan, Graeme, Stuart, Maddie and Brenda were there, and I know Kim jumped on top of us, which is eight (I think...) so I'm only missing one person... Mandy might have been in there, too.
Also, Wednesday evening I went to this anime thingy with Jared. While I originally was only going to catch up with Jared, the anime thingies themselves turned out to be quite amusing. Hurrah ^-^ Considering going next week, also.
Thursday is another non-memorable day, and Friday I only had one class, so that was good.
Yesterday I don't remember.
And in fact, I don't remember this morning, either.
But still.
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na, peanuts!
Anyway, homework to avoid, meals to forget. I'm offski.

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