Friday, June 15, 2007

The reason why boys smell so funny.

Woo! Actual update!
I have not updated in ages, and happily, the reason for my not updating has changed from being sad and not wanting to talk to being happy but considerably busier. :)
So-so-so, this week/last weekend:
Last weekend was awesome, because it was a long weekend.
On Friday, Bailey-guy had a movie night, which was fun. I only went because Stuart invited me. I don't really know Bailey that well. But yeah, it was me and Stuart, and Mandy and Steven, and then there were Kim and Bailey sitting on the couch looking awkward (two couples and then two singles). And we watched team America and some Highlander type movies I wasn't paying attention to. Hehe...
Then on Saturday night I went out ice-skating with Stuart and Kelly and Kelly's friend, and that was fun-fun, even though I can't ice-skate for shit, and I only fell over a couple of times, and those were in the last few minutes.
And on Sunday night, Skye had a movie night that was also fun, and involved us eating a tub of ice cream (yay!) between the four of us (me, Skye, Terri, and Mandy) and watching random movies.
And then on Monday night I went and watched the fireworks at my neighbour's.
Tuesday was good.
Wednesday was also good. Wednesday was pretty gosh-darned good. I'm feeling very smug. :)
Thursday was good, and it was fun, and I brought Stuart and Amy back here, and we entertained each other (in an un-sexual manner, thank you very much, all you gutter-minded people - yes, I love you all anyway =p) and then entertained the children (my brother and cousin, nine and seven respectively), which was fun. Oh, that reminds me, it's little Hamish's birthday today, he is now eight.
Today was awesomeness. I did my minor assessment piece thing in drama and that went reasonably well. And then I wented to Civic with the awesome people of awesomeness - Amy, Skye, Ryan, plus Isaac and minus Stuart, so not quite the usual group of awesome people. But awesome nonetheless!

So yeah, Skye is eighteen soon! So, eighteenth birthday party for her :) She's looking for somewhere to have it besides her house, though, because her parents weere all, bla bla no more than five people bla. But one of Skye's presents will be shared, and that will be awesome. Hopefully. Provided it all works out.
I think the next eighteenth of anyone in my part of the group is Ryan's, and then I'm not sure whether there's anyone else's between his and Stuart's.
I'm not eighteen till the year after next :(

Mm... so, peoples, ten cents to anyone who can guess why I'm so happy now?
Go on. One word. Six letters. First is S, last is T. Mm? My magician, yes. I haves me a loverly loverly boyfriend, and that has made me very happy indeed. Because. Because he is good for my self-esteem =p because he is wonderful and kind and sweet to me. And he is cute, but refuses to accept that fact. Tee hee.

Mnyarp mnyarp, anyway. Tis sleepy-nap time for Caitlin.

Oh yes, the reason boys smell so funny. It's their deoderant. It's like manly air freshener. Even the thought of it is hilarious, so how could the smell not be funny?
Mwa, mwa. Love for all.


Anonymous said...

He he he. And guess what Caitlin, it's already been 2 weeks and 2 days. Time flies when you're having fun hey?

Jonno said...

Boys smell funny? S'if, I smell sexy as.