Piano, shmeh.
Felt like crap, and just couldn't handle the thought of school, so... mother let me stay home...
Came home... internetted while mother went on a run... got off internet when she came back, and back on again when she went to body balance... got yelled at by Someone I was talking to, which sorta screwed up my mood for the rest of the day, especially when the nurse lady at the blood test place jumped as she was poking my elbow with the needle thing cause someone said something about a rat. Stupid bleeding arm. Wouldn't stop blinking bleeding... and then I felt all dizzy and fell asleep for a while. I haven't felt dizzy after a blood test before, so I dunno if that was it or what... but hey...
Mm... head hurts... was trying to do World Issues work before, but not getting far... it's a pretty cool assignment... we get to do a report on basically any world issue, like poverty or sustainable energy, or obesity as an epidemic... pretty cool... but I still can't concentrate on it.
On the Australian amnesty international site, and probably on any other A.I. sites, there's a link to support them by buying music through them, and when you click on that, there's a 'Tell a Friend' link. When you click on that there's an awesome background, and me and my super technological skillxxørz turned it into my background on the laptop. Might try and make it into a blogskin. If I could be bothered. Or see if Jess wants to. Meh. Tis pretty cool.
I think you can get to it by clicking on this button...
In fact, they use one of the songs in a video, and it sounds pretty good. I think they're all Lennon covers, but I'm not sure. The one in the video is Isolation, which is apparently the one Snow Patrol covered. Sounds pretty cool.
Mm. Snow Patrol. Huggles to my music. I'm listening to Snow Patrol's 'Run' at the moment. One of my all time favourite songs. Tis good, tis good...
Myes... ate a whole pizza for dinner, and now feel sick... my head hurts and I'm sleepy... and not at all sure why I bothered to come online...
Meh, I'll stick around for half an hour or an hour or so, see if anyone interesting comes online... otherwise, I'm off to bed pretty early t'night.
Buh byes.
{~~ Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding, ice cream truck ;) ~~}
Just a continuation of my first impressions last time of the beta blogger - still have found no problems, and everything works wonderfully. I love the simplicity of adding widgets into the layout, but am glad they kept the html editing options. It just makes it a lot easier than having to trawl through pages of html to find the section I'm trying to edit. Everything just flows better. I still have to be careful not to fall into the trap I encountered with MSN spaces, of filling the page with endless lists that nobody will read. I may already have fallen into that particular trap... but I'll try not to dig myself in any deeper.
Ooh, blue person.
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