Friday, September 01, 2006

Oh, the joys of cleaning up dog piss...

Photography was shmeh. It would've been really good, I finished the montage and everything, but then it corruptified itself. Which was pissy offy. I was gonna go to Hughes for lunch with Martin and maybe Ethan, but we ended up leaving photography really late, cause Martin was finishing his montage. Which turned out looking pretty dang spiffy. The photography teacher called it 'rad' until I glared at him, and he's like, "Um... 'neato'?" and I shook my head, so he tried again with "'Groovy'?", and I just gave up then.
Lunch was pretty meh. Pretty goddamn fucking meh. Piece of shit. But meh.
English was meh, again. More scribbling, more doing no work.
Japanese = watched some random anime thing - I just wrote 'anime' backwards without meaning to. eminA - which was boring as usual, but meh.
Sat up the back with Jess on the bus. Listened to music. Jess lookeded tired... Jess, if you read this, you need to get some sleep! You looked like you were going to pass out!
Meh... got home... online... Dunno... was talking to someone, and I suddenly felt really shit, and the Someone made me feel better by being sweet and darling and generally wonderful.
Missed dinner cause of babysitting. Meh. Wasn't too hungry anyway.
James and Josh were eerily well behaved... they just sat, ate their dinner, and watched TV... the biggest problem I had was getting Josh to brush his teeth, and even that wasn't particularly difficult. Outsmarting a five year old isn't hard. Well, not for most people...
"I already brushed my teeth."
"But Joshy, you were eating your dinner when I got here, and I haven't seen you brush your teeth."
"Yeah, but I brushed them before dinner."
"In which case they'll be dirty again now 'cause you had dinner."
"So what?"
"So all your teeth will fall out, and then you won't be able to eat any lollies. Now come on, brush your teeth."
"You can't make me, you don't know which toothbrush is mine."
"Weeell, this one says 'James' on it, so I'm guessing this one is yours."
"Gr..." *scowls and brushes teeth reluctantly*
"Thank you, Josh."
Anyway... James was sorta sickly, and he had some medication he had to take, and he did, like a good little boy... Milly, their puppy, was absolutely adorable, as always, and fell asleep on my lap for a while. When the boys went to bed, James put her in the laundry, and closed the door, and said that's what they were meant to do. I assumed he was right, cause he can normally be trusted to be fairly responsible. But after about an hour, she started growling at the door, so I opened to see what was up, and she ran out and widdled on the rug. Oh, joyous joy. Can't think of a single thing more fun than trying to get dog urine out of a carpet...
Tired... head hurts.... and my eyes are trying to close themselves.. merf...
I'm trying out the new beta blogger. It's pretty cool. I like how I can change the colour scheme as well as the template; means I can get rid of that pink one that everyone - including myself - has been complaining about. Also lets me add lists without having to screw around with the html. Which makes life easier for a simpleton like myself. All in all, tis pretty good. Haven't encountered any problems yet; and it's an improvement on the old one. Not a stunningly amazing improvement, but certainly an improvement.
Gonna try and get t'morrer off school.
I just really don't want to go...

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