Avast, today be international talk like a pirate day ;)
Apart from that...
I have no pants.
Just thought you'd all like to know =P
The ducks took them.
So, bus was really late, so tutor group was extended a little bit, then we had assembly first and got ranted and raved at by the principal (I fell asleep on Toby's shoulder...) cause of some recent fights, and apparently "One or two students will not be returning to this school." Omigod, they got expelled! Only expulsions in the past four years... wow. Part from that startling revelation, boringness. Photography first was pretty cewl, we didn't have long, though, so we just got to print the Red Hill Road Trip one...
And I brought my photography portfolio home to scan, as seen in some of the photos at the top.
English was meh.
Recess is something that I can't remember... I think it was cold.
Japanese... didn't really do much, but apparently Miss Teacher Sensei is preggernantied. Ooh, wow. The class randomly burst into applause when she told us, before Coco added, "I was wondering why you were so fat!".
Tactful, eh?
Lunch... Becky went off to do schoolish stuff in the library, leaving me to sit around while Toby made her a ring out of gum leaves for when she came back, and Rosalind failed to make herself one. Then Toby made me a ring, but Becky's and mine both fell apart when we put them on. Pout. But I got a twig of eucalyptus blossom... which I scanned. Yay.
Maths = meh, boring. Science = also meh, also boring.
Got home, sat round online, did nothing, got yelled at for never doing anything. Watched TV and ate. Scribbled. Made my bed, out of pure boredom. I want to remove everything from my room except my bed, and put white linen on that. I want emptiness. Peh, made bed. And am now online again. Fun-fun.
I hate mosquito-moth-things.
Anyway, being eaten by insects is no fun, and nothing interesting is happening, so. I be's off.
Mongolian Spleen Cheese.
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