Saturday, September 09, 2006

Fecking Brick

Ouch. Head = pain.
I got up at some obscenely sensible hour this morning... eight o'clock or something... sat around, listened to music, read, ate way too much...
Didn't actually spend too much time on the computer... there isn't that much point in being online at the moment... meh.
Managed to spend a very long time doing nothing at all...
Just randomly, my legs smell like pawpaw.
How very curious.

I saw that guy, on Parkinson, the one who was in Father Ted... who played Dougal... That was a funny show... I hardly remember any of it except that it was funny... I remember the episode with Father Jack's pet brick, and the milk truck that was gonna exlpode if it went slower than 40... and Dougal was driving it, and ended up putting the brick on the accelorator... I don't remember who set it up to be all explodey, though... and I remember Father Jack's eyesight test... and that's about it...


Hm... I was gonna try post a YouTube video for Death of a Martian, but the only one I found was this retarded clip from some cartoon with the song in the background... mneh...

Sneeze = nasal implosion.

Wow, somebody just talked to me a lot more than I expected them to... it was a very cool somebody, and one I respect and like a fair bit, so yay, I feel honoured... if only the topic had been less... stressed, I suppose. At least I'm not the only one feeling a bit weird lately...

I just realised before, how completely empty my day is when I take computerring out of it... and how few friends I have when I ignore those who technically I don't know... I really, really need to get a life... but hey, pfft, later, y'know? Or not at all... that too. Meh, confusion. Self-induced confusion, at that. But meh.

I really have absolutely no idea at all what I'm talking about anymore, so I'll just be leaving now...

Bye byes, everybody.

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