Caitlin has Yahoo!
I'm mysscaitlyn, feel free to add me if you have yahoo, it looks one sweet hell of a lot better than the old yahoo, and maybe I'll finally be able to win one of those BZZZ wars...
Check out my super-coolness-avatar...
Okay, perhaps the fireworks aren't that cool, but that isn't the point...
My old one had glasses, but the glasses got bigger between then and now, so I ignored them this time round.
And oh man, I just had to link to this, cause I know a few people who might find it quite amusing...
But yeah, apart from that, got a couple more songs - 3 Doors Down songs, hurrah - handed in that Japanese, Jess said she emailed me lots of wondrous nonsense but it bounced (Kill hotmail! Keeeeell eeeeeeeeeeeeeet!) and I forgot my money/lunch today, though I may have mentioned that. Actually, I had some cereal when I got home and I'm not really hungry anymore, which is odd but kind of cool.
I'm a little hyper, (okay-maybe-more-than-a-little-but-that's-the-pink-elephant's-fault-it-
spleendiferous-and-presumptuous-tendencies) for some random reason, but who am I to argue with random hyperness? I like being hyper.
Talk to Caitlin, peoples.
IM me, email me, whatever. I keep'z runningk out of people to talk to! :'(
Offwards, and beyond!
And more hugs for everyobdy!
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