Went to my piano lesson instead of the year ten breakfast, because it was my last piano lesson ever and also my piano teacher's last piano lesson ever - he's not teaching anymore.
Farewell assembly was boring, nobody mucked up at all. Bleh.
We were meant to all go to Big Splash or sign out with a note and go home, but like... as if I was gonna go to Big Splash. Effort. Blerck. And of course I didn't have a note to not go, because that's just stoopid. And neither did Madeleine or Jared or Rosalind. So we just wandered off to the bus stop and went to Woden. We wandered round Woden for a while, and then Rosalind went off to meet someone else, then we wandered out to Phillip and wandered around there for a while, then we wandered back to Woden, and Madeleine and Jared went off to catch buses home and I wandered off homewards.
Throughout all that walking, Madeleine had these boots on. They were like... as long as a lead pencil that's whatever the normal length of lead pencils is long. I don't have a ruler and I'm crap at guessing lengths. But yes. Tiny boots, that were like, knee-high and with laces all up the side. And she walked round Woden, Phillip, and Woden again. My legs and feet were hurting enough having been wearing runners, I can't imagine how much those boots would have hurt...
But yes.
Got home, and almost immediately went back to Woden. Only this time it was driving, thank gawd, my feet were absolutely dead. And I got my licence!!
And the condition "s", means that... hang on, where'd I put it... here.
"Licence Conditions
S - Licensee must wear corrective lenses at all times."
Damn, they know I'm blind. Ah well.
But yes. After getting The Licence, we went and looked at shoesies ^-^
Which was fun.
But yes.
Babysitting last night.
Which is why I'm tired and have a bandaid on my knee.
Bandaid on the knee is... sort of an odd story.
You ever seen toilet paper ads where the puppy chases the toilet paper? My neighbours decided to put that to the test and rolled a roll of toilet paper past their puppy. The puppy pounced on the end and pulled it round the house, until I pounced and skidded along the floor to grab the roll. And made my knee bleed. So now I have a bandaid.
But yes.
I also have $40. Which is good.
Now to get pocket money off the parentals!
Also, babysitting involved cleaning up doggy piddle, again. Twitch, grumble.
But yeah...
Tired, now. Offwards time.
Wait, lyrics:
Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are.
I had to find you, tell you I need you,
Tell you I set you apart.
Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions,
Oh lets go back to the start.
Running in circles, Comin' up Tails
Heads on a science apart.
Nobody said it was easy,
It's such a shame for us to part.
Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be this hard.
Oh take me back to the start.
I was just guessin' at numbers and figures,
Pulling your puzzles apart.
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart.
And tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start.
Runnin' in circles, Chasin' up Tails
Comin' back as we are
Nobody said it was easy,
Oh it's such a shame for us to part.
Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be so hard.
I'm goin' back to the start.
Stuck in my head, but I don't have the song. Damnit...
Good job though.
OMG A peeermit license. Once you have a proper licence; you are my chauffer...or how ever you spell it...gah. Spelling is off today. Well congrats! And thats a sexy photo. Feel proud!
Chauffeur? Hehe. I'm not sure it would be a safe idea :P
I haven't updated since Sunday but I've been so lazy that it isn't my fault, sooomehooow... Anyway, ABW is pretty damn cool and I'm supposed to be working now, so offwards with me :P
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