Monday, December 11, 2006

Peach Flavoured Giraffe!!

Wow, haven't updated in like, a week. Blah, that should mean that I have lots to write about, but I probably still won't. =P

Well, Thursday was boring, and all I remember is that I walked barefoot to and from the bus stop, because the shoes I had on were so painful.

Friday was the presentation day for ABW and also the official sign out for year tens. The most extravagant group there, not coincidentally the ones who won, had a whole marquee thingy, with fairy lights, a coat stand, flowers, and hand made chocolates. Our group was probably about the second most lazy: We had tablecloths over schooldesks and a shopping trolley full of non-alcoholic wine. We also had a large number of plastic wine glasses which the bases kept falling off =P Ah, well. Twas fun.
We signed out at 2.30, and Madeleine and I caught a bus to Woden. The bus that Madeleine needed to catch to get home from Woden left at 3.11, and then again at 3.50. We got there at 3.12. Ouch. She went off to find another bus that left sooner, and I wandered off home. Barefoot. Bad move. My feet are now burned and blistered; pain. But hey. Tis all good, and I'll be right.

Saturday night's party was pretty darn cool. Freya and I went over around 6.30, and met the people running the bar, and started making fruit and cheese plattery thingos. People started arriving around 7.15, and the thing started properly at 7.30. We started heating food around eight, and that was around the time that the bar opened up. The bar was actually the laundry, with a table in front of the doorway. So Katie and Charlie, the people doing the alcohol stuffz, stood in the laundry and made cocktails etc, with all the alcohol kept in the linen cupboard, and a sink full of ice, as well as extra drinks in a small truck thing full of ice parked outside the laundry door.
It was a pretty good night, Freya and I went around with plates of hot and cold food most of the time, and in between trips around, I'd heat up food and wash people's glasses, which Freya would then dry and take back to Katie and Charlie. Freya and I finished up around eleven, but they were still playing music loudly until around one, and then quieter till about two. I heard the macarena, and lots of loud, drunken laughter. Hm.... =P

But yeah, that was pretty cool. Yesterday was general recover-ment from the late night and noise. And random boring Christmas party at the uncle type person's house. Involving swimming, and bubbles in my hair. Adults have very boring conversations when they don't know each other. Tis because they stick to 'safe' topics, like the price of mattresses (a real conversation!). They're boring. So I went swimming instead. That wasn't much more interesting, but at least it wasn't boiling hot.

I had this really bad sore stomach last night, and couldn't get to sleep till I went downstairs and had a few panadol at like, three or four in the morning, and then my stomach was still hurting when I woke up, so I couldn't doze and lie around to recover, either. Some more panadol later, I went down to mum's work, cause I had to go buy summin with mother. We went into Woden, and it was so hot, and my stomach hurt so much, and I was so tired, I nearly passed out, so I sat down for a while while mother went and got me food, cause I'd sort of forgotten to eat that morning. While I was sitting there, there was some collapsed type old dude outside Woollies, and all these ambo type people crowded round. So that provided some interest while mother bought food.

But yeah, got home, and here I am, formal is in four hours and fifteen minutes, we're meeting in three hours, and *now* I'm excited. I hadn't been at all excited up till about now, and now I have all my stuff, and I'm getting my hair done in an hour, and and and and it's all very cool. =)

Voila, big long blog to make up for a lack of blogs for quite some time =P
There may be a reduction in the number of blogs written over the holidays, because I tend to do nothing at all during the holidays, and if I do nothing, there's nothing to write about. So. But I shall try to lead an exciting life for the next few months, just so I have something to write about for you all =P

I is off =)

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