Oh my god blog.
Party on Saturday was for the most part very awesome indeed, though I missed some due to... conversations... that required all of my attention... yes... Also I missed a lot of the best parts 'cause mother wouldn't let me stay overnight :( Which sucks, because I wasn't drunk, and nearly everyone else was, and I wanted to laugh at all of their hangovers... Bwahahaha... evil Caitlin.
Funny moments include:
All of the girls, plus Ryan, putting plaits in Graeme's hair.
Steven walking into the sliding screen door and knocking it out of its hinges. (Very funny at the time. Maybe it's one of those only-funny-when-drunk things... not that I was drunk... >.>)
Mandy's reaction when she was allowed to get to the alcohol (she had to wait till after she was sent to collect Kim, because she was driving)
Skye's storage of the bottles and lollies, both full and empty (the microwave).
The game of Dare. Funniest moment from that that I remember and actually noticed, was Steven being dared to leave the room, and come back naked apart from a conveniently placed hat. He actually did it ^-^
Apparently Maddie got really drunk later in the night, but I missed it =( Which sucks, because when I left she was all stressed and very much sober.
Anyway, school is le bleurgh.
Funny that this spell check rejects 'Mandy', 'Maddie' and 'Graeme', as well as 'boing' and 'bla', but not the word that I thought I just made up - 'bleurgh'. How very peculiar...
Anyway, school is crap. I have several ToK journals and an English assignment due Monday, and a psychology one the week after, as well as a photography one I'm-not-sure-when and a ToK essay in week ten, and a drama one in the first or maybe second week back of school after the holidays. Also it's currently week seven, and week nine is cross-line testing week - that is, everybody has tests. On practically everything. Stressful and very crap. Bleurgh.
Bla, I had an awful cold yesterday and I wasn't quite over it today, so I stayed home, and I hung out the washing twice (that means I loaded the washing machine once. I'm very proud of that, as I hadn't used the new(ish) washing machine yet, and had no idea how to do it.) as well as eating cold pasta and porridge (not together >.<), playing guitar and piano, listening to music, noticing strange things (in my parent's en suite there are two towels, a pink one and a blue one; we have eleven junk mail catalogues on the bench to be thrown out; the shower head needs adjusting; our washing machine takes 7kg of clothes... etc.) and generally avoiding doing anything constructive (like my English or psychology assignments). Because we couldn't have that, could we?
Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
Oh, how I wish he'd go away
Quotes of Awesomeness from The Science of Discworld:
"'Where am I exactly?'
'Er... a sort of magical world with no one in it but yourself.'
'Oh, you mean the sort everyone lives in.'"
"The author blinked.
'Tell me, then,' he said, 'is Man an ape, or is he an angel?'
The Librarian knew this one.
'Ook,' he said, which meant: ape is best, because you don't have to fly and you're allowed sex, unless you work at Unseen University, worst luck."
(Note that the librarian of Unseen University is, to all extents and purposes, an orangutan, and that the library of Unseen University has a tendency to lead one to various strange places and times - say, for example, the writing desk of a certain author writing a book about evolution.)
"'The Luggage may consist of a subset of at least n dimensions which may co-exist with any other set of >n dimensions,' said the Bursar.
'Don't pay any attention, Stibbons,' said Ridcully wearily. 'He's been spouting this stuff ever since he tried to understand HEX's write-out. It's completely gibberish. What's "n" then, old chap?'
'Umpt,' said the Bursar.
'Ah, imaginary numbers again,' said the Dean. 'That's the one he says should come between three and four.'
'There isn't a number between three and four,' said Ridcully.
'He imagines there is,' said the Dean."
The Bursar is my favourite character, along with the Librarian, as well perhaps as Death, and possibly Rincewind, too, seeing as he's the one who survived in Fourecks/EcksEcksEcksEcks/XXXX/Australia in The Last Continent.
"He opened the door.
A couple of white pigeons flew out, followed by a billiard ball. Ponder pulled aside a cluster of flags of all nations.
'Just natural fallout,' he called out. 'Oh...'
The Bursar ambled around the right side of the reacting engine, waving a squash racquet.
'Ah, Ponder,' he said. 'Have you ever wondered if Time isn't simply Space through a right angle?'
'Er... no...' said Ponder, watching the man carefully for signs of thaumic breakdown.
'It would certainly make pretzels very interesting, don't you think?'
'Er... have you being playing squash, sir?' said Ponder.
'You know I'm really coming to believe that a closed contour is a boundary, up to parametrization, if and only if it is homotopic to zero,' said the Bursar. 'And, for preference, coloured green.'
'Did you touch any switches, sir?' said Ponder, maintaining a careful distance.
'This thingy here does make some shots very difficult,' said the Bursar, hitting the reacting engine. .'I was trying to hit the rear wall around it last Wednesday.'
'I think perhaps we should leave,' said Ponder in a clear, firm tone. 'It will soon be teatime. There will be jelly,' he added.
'Ah, the fifth form of matter,' said the Bursar brightly, following Ponder."
I love Discworld booksies... Terry Pratchett = god. Seriously. Some newspaper said about his novels, "Terry Pratchett has done for fantasy what Douglas Adams did for science fiction.", which is high praise indeed. You will understand what high praise this is if you've read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. If you haven't read it, go read it now. Along with 1984. And the His Dark Materials trilogy. Books = love. Music also = love. Therefore, books = music. But, books ≠ music, therefore, - *spontaneously combusts*
Spontaneous combustion = peanut.
I am going to go design a Vegemite castle, with carrot stick window frames and candy flags.
Do not even think about how awful that would taste.
Or, for that matter, how impossible it would be to live in.
The idea is to have an idea. It doesn't need to be a practical concept.
Enjoy your days, nights, weeks, months, years, and lives. They really are just for us to enjoy.
No, I'm not high.