Monday, February 12, 2007

White Rabbits and Letterbox Frogs

Well, college is going fairly awesomely.
Today, for example...
I had drama first. The guys were running around on eachother's backs screaming things about damsels in distress and farmers on pins.
Then I had photography, and that was okay, even though it just consisted of gluing stuff into books. I got to sit around and talk to Martin and Kat while not letting Martin use my scissors, which is always fun.
Then during recess/line 2 I wandered on up to Woden, but the library had no free computers, so I sat on a bench and started reading Sophie's World (by Jostein Gaarder. Go find it and read it, now. Seriously.) , which is an awesome, awesome book. Read it now. Now now now. Now.
Anyway, wandered back for PG and maths. Maths was okay, still doing matrices. Fun-fun. Multiplication of Matrices, and whatnot.
Then zere vaz lunch, and the random invitations to "steamy lesbian sex", as well as conversations about things I really wish I hadn't overheard. Also the guy trying to be all death-metal-ness with an electric guitar that wasn't plugged into anything, screaming, "Saaataaaan's... toenaaaails neeeeed cliiiiiiiiippiiiiing!! Saatan's tooooenaaaaails!!" repeatedly.
Theeeennn.... English. Which was boring.
Then ToK, which was pretty damn awesome again. Just, awesomeness.
Then... wandered home. Painted a bit. My room is now almost greenified. Then will come the whiteness, and then the blue. And then there will be awesomeness, and lots of photos of said awesomeness.
And tidiness! Room is almost tidy! Almost.
But yes...
Must be off, now.

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