Monday, January 01, 2007

Bridie says: "I can feel the pulse in your toe"

Okee okee okee.
I spent New Year's Eve playing pictionary and charades with my family and neighbours :P
Amazingly, it was quite fun. The adults were suitably inebriated and I got to see my neighbour try to act out the words 'variety show' with no noise. It involved singing silently and some very talented tap-dancing. I also got to see my father acting out the word 'mermaid'. That was the funniest thing I have ever seen my father do ^-^
Anyway, we finished that up around eleven, and then stood around singing and playing piano till 11.30.
And then....
We went on a walk. We were skipping and dancing and singing all the way up the hill, where we stopped and swung on the swings, and then came back down again just in time for midnight, which was spent watching the jtv countdown. For the whole ten seconds.
But yeah. Peoples made resolutions, neighbours left, everyone went to bed. I sat around playing guitar for a while and then read a book (beginning to end, took me about 45 minutes), and then went to bed.
I refuse to make challenging New Year's Resolutions. I shall make resolutions I know I'll keep, so I can feel like I've achieved something at the end of the year.
I will learn to drive, I will learn guitar, and I will try - no promises, mind you - to stop burping at my sister.
I wish everyone a Happy New Year, and hope nobody is too hungover =P

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