Wednesday, January 06, 2010

New Year's Empty Promises To Self

Yeah, pretty much.
I kind of didn't make any on NYE?
But I have somehow coincidentally eaten vegetables (SHOCK!) and drunk water (SCANDAL!) on more than one consecutive day. So I figure why not, I can call those resolutions for as long as I stick to 'em, and coincidence when I get bored.
I should probably also keep up this habit of brushing my teeth daily? Yeah, before they all fall out.
Other things:
- My deviantART and blogspot have been left somewhat unattended... Perhaps I ought to take photos worthy of dA and think thoughts worthy of the web? That'll do for some more resolutions.

- This evening, on the way home from work, A. and I went through the supermarshay to get some of those salad-in-a-box things and a 90c packet of plastic forks. Then instead of going home to eat in silence in front of our individual computers, we went down to the grassy edge of the lake and lay in the warm shade - as opposed to the baking sunshine - to eat our din-dins, read bits of newspaper, and generally relax. The point of this story, besides smugness that occasionally spontaneous and romantic things do happen in my relationship, is that this sort of thing ought to happen more often. That can be another resolution. Oh and once we've had our holimaday and paid of the credit card and oh god money woes breathe alright okay once we have enough money again we're striking up a new habit, of going to Zefirelli's on Sunday nights and taking home the leftovers for lunches.

- I should probably acquire some friends. Ones who aren't uni students or mothers! Much as I love my academically and maternally inclined friends <3 I need Moar friends, and these Moar friends need to be easily accessible on weekends (no assignments or young babbies!) I suppose the best way of going about this is

- Oh god I need a fucking hobby. A hobby that is not fucking. One with people besides myself and the Boy! (Although that could still be fucking...)

- Also a new job! Preferably one with people I get along with. Well, I discovered where all the good people are at work... at the other end, with all the good children and the relaxing rooms - the infants + young toddlers. Those bastards! They were hiding! Except of course I can't go and work down that end "for at least six months" (quote from director) and I don't think I can stand my job for that long.

Fortunately (out of dot point land now!) my holidays only ended last weekend, and I have another week off, the last week of January. A. and I are going to Melbourne for the week, spending two nights with the Boy's Melburnian friend and ex-housemate, two nights in a "mystery deal" 4.5 star hotel (which looks perfectly fine!... you find out what hotel after you pay) which was $129 a night. We love you! Weeee wuuuubbbb ooooo! And two nights in the best suite of a 5 star hotel that looks absolutely lovely, and was $600 for both nights! Exciting times. We plan to eat out a lot (food, that is...) , visit one of my maternally-inclined friends who lives in Melbourne, hopefully meet up with both my ex-Canberran, now Victorian friends, meet up with the Melbourne mx-5 club and generally potter around the CBD.
Very excited.

Alright. Time to stick with that other resolution about spending some time with the Boy. Time to... watch Mythbusters on our lounge mattress!

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