On Tues-dee-ay my drama class and some random English class went and saw the Bell Shakespeare production of Othello at The Playhouse. It was... hm. Having seen the Bell Shakespeare Romeo & Juliet last year, I may have had my expectations raised unfairly (it was awesome), but Othello didn't seem to have quite the sparkle that Romeo & Juliet did. The lady playing Emelia (Desdemona's maid) was really good, as was the guy who played Iago. I think they did more for the play than Desdemona and Othello. That's not to say that Othello and Desdemona weren't good, just that Iago and Emelia were even better. But yeah. Having not actually read the play before seeing it, and just having a vague idea of how it went, I quite enjoyed it. It was well done. But it wasn't absolutely incredible and amazing, which is what I've come to expect from the plays I've seen =p Maybe it's just that the sparkling atmosphere wasn't there, because when I saw Romeo & Juliet, that was at night, and when I saw those other plays with Anne and Greg at the Street Theatre, they were at night. There is something beautiful and exciting about nighttime that makes me wish more people had my sleeping patterns :P
Yesterday was quite a good day. The bay was open, which was good, we bummed around in there doing not a lot, eating and talking and whatnot. I missed the first half of line seven and lunch :( because I had a doctor's appointment, which yes, went quite well, thank you. The second half of line seven was pretty fun, basically more sitting around and chatting (and having my back drawn on, thank you Stuart :P). But yeah, that was fun, and I went and bummed around Woden with Isaac after school, then came home and did nothing at all :)
Today was good. I was at school by 8.30 as usual, though I've no idea why as I didn't have to be there till 12.05. Line seven was spent being bored and reading and knitting, and then Amy and I went and killed time in Woden, which was awesome. Why was it awesome? Because Amy is one of those people who can make a trip to the bus stop exciting and funny. So we trekked our way around Woden in a generally pointless manner, and had a whole bunch of fun and some random conversations along the way.
Then theory of knowledge, and then an appointment with my new psychologist. Some of you may have noticed I haven't been entirely sane (or too happy) lately. This is not because I have got less sane, or less happy, but simply because I have lost some of my acting ability and you've just started noticing. Actually, yeah, I have gotten slightly less happy, but I can't think of a single reason for this (I can, however, think of multiple small ones). But yes. I had a psychologist for a while last year, and I did not like her, though I'm not sure why. And I got a referral for this new one yesterday from the doctor, and I seem to be able to get along with her considerably better (though that isn't really hard).
Anyway, stuff is pretty good for me generally.
This weekend is going to be awesome ^-^ Whipped cream! Sparklers! Marshmallows! WORMM THINGS! And... crippled fiiiiiiish!!
You guys rock, by the way ^-^
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